Server Side

Last updated: February 25th, 2022

System Requirements

Because this documentation using cPanel, a web hosting with cPanel is recommended. If you don't have web hosting or domain name, please Click Here, we can provide you.

  1. Linux Web Hosting
  2. PHP Version: 7.2 , 7.3, 7.4
  3. PHP Extensions: Curl with SSL, GD2 Image Library, JSON Support, MBString, Iconv, OpenSSL, Mcrypt, PDO, PDO_Mysql, Mysqlnd, allow_url_fopen, SourceGuardian, XML, Fileinfo, Intl
  4. MySQL 5.6.x / MariaDB 10.x.x or newer
  5. Android Studio Arctic Fox or newer

Login To cPanel

Login to your cPanel or other hosting control panel. Our toturial is based on the cPanel.

Create Database

  1. Click on the: MySQL Databases
  2. Create database and give database name like you want, as example : 'viacoders_mydb’
  3. Create user for your database
  4. Add user to your database and check ALL PRIVILEGES

Upload PHP Scripts

  1. Open File Manager via cPanel or FTP server, upload all php script inside Server_Side folder to folder destination on your hosting, highly recommended to compress all files into .zip file before you upload it and extract it after the .zip file is uploaded.
  2. Do not forget to upload .htaccess files! For example, Mac or Linux OS hides .htaccess files and you can upload the script without .htaccess files and you get error.

Be Careful:

Do not forget to upload .htaccess files! For example, Mac or Linux OS hides .htaccess files and you can upload the script without .htaccess files and you get error.

Installation Wizard

  1. Open
  2. Follow the installation wizard.
  3. After successfull installation, you can login to admin dashboard from here:

Google reCAPTCHA

  1. You should do this step after successfull installation.
  2. Open application/config/config.php and find $config['google_recaptcha_site_key'] and $config['google_recaptcha_secret_key'] at the bottom of the file.
  3. Insert your Google reCAPTCHA site key and secret key there.
  4. How to get site key and secret key: Click Here.
  5. After login to admin dashboard, open Settings/General Settings and enable Google reCAPTCHA.


If there are any problems, please visit our FAQ page. Click Here!

Android Side

After you have done the server side, please go to Android Side toturial.