Multi WebView + Admin Panel

User Manual (Version 3.4.0)


Multi WebView is a mobile app which run under Android platform that used for multi webview application, and support from Android 6 and higher.
You can convert your website into a native mobile application. You can manage unlimited users and unlimited websites per user. Each user can manage their website from user panel, and admin can manage all users and websites from admin panel.
The ability to send Push Notification and Google AdMob settings are also included in the admin panel. With powerful and responsive Admin Panel can manage unlimited users & websites.
This application created by Android Studio for client side and then PHP MySQLi (Codeigniter) for admin side. Run under Android platform which is the most popular operating system in the world. Using this application you can save your money and time in creating application for your own website application.

Notice: For each website that you created at admin panel, you should create new android project and change the Package Name. Also Firebase & OneSignal & AdMob setup must be individually configured.

System Requirements

Because this documentation using cPanel, a web hosting with cPanel is recommended. If you don't have web hosting or domain name, please contact us, we can provide you.

  1. PHP Version: 5.6 , 7.0 , 7.2 , 7.3, 7.4
  2. PHP Extensions: Curl with SSL, GD2 Image Library, JSON Support, MBString, Iconv, Encrypt (only for php 5.6 and 7.0).
  3. The “captcha” directory must be writable. Captcha directory is located: assets/captcha
  4. FTP Tool to upload files to Server (eg: FileZilla)
  5. Android Studio Koala or newer

Getting Started ##back to top

First of all, open purchase_code.php from server_side folder and write your Envato Purchase Code there.
Where is my purchase code? Click Here.

Login To cPanel ##back to top

Login to your cPanel: or 2083

cPanel Login

Database Creation #back to top

1. Click on the: MySQL Databases
2. Create database and give database name like you want, as example : 'inw24_mydb’
3. Create user for your database
4. Add user to your database and check ALL PRIVILEGES

Import Database .sql file #back to top

1. Click on the phpMyAdmin and select your database.
2. Import file database SQL.sql from download package inside 'server_side' folder

Upload PHP Scripts #back to top

1. Open File Manager via cpanel or ftp server, upload all php script inside Server_Side folder to folder destination on your hosting, highly recommended to compress all files into .zip file before you upload it and extract it after the .zip file is uploaded.
2. Configure the database connection file, open 'database.php' in folder 'application/config' which is in the includes folder of your package.
3. Put your database information on line: 78.
'hostname' => 'localhost',
'username' => 'YourDatabaseUsername',
'password' => 'YourDatabasePassword',
'database' => 'YourDatabaseName',

4. Login to Admin Dashboard:
      Username: admin
      Password: 123456789

Interactive HTML and Intent #back to top

You can interact with the native functions of the phone, from the html. Please visit Click Here!

Import in Android Studio #back to top

Extract .zip you download from Codecanyon, you will see some file and folder. The project location inside Android_Side folder.
When your Android Studio ready you can open it and you will see display like this:

1. Select Open an existing Android Studio Project.
2. Browse location Project and press OK button.
3. Wait for few minutes until all process import has finished.

Firebase Configuration #back to top

Before you do step change the package name, you must do this step for firebase project configuration.
Please note : this step is mandatory to generate google-services.json file.

Visit Firebase Console

Please register or log in first and then select create new project. In the dialog window enter the name of the project that will be created and the contents of the state and then click the create project to continue.

After successfully creating a project on Firebase then the page will be redirected to the dashboard project that has been made.

Then on the dashboard Firebase select Add Firebase to your Android app. In the next dialog window enter the name of the Android application package and SHA1 of fingerprints Certificate (optional).

Next will download the configuration file json google-services.json automatically, which will be added in the directory app in the Android project.

Notice: For each website, Firebase & OneSignal setup must be individually configured.

OneSignal Configuration#back to top

Required For Setup
1. OneSignal Account, if you do not already have one.
2. Your OneSignal App ID, available in Keys & IDs.
3. Google/Firebase Server API Key.
4. A device or emulator that has Google Play services installed and updated on it (Device will not subscribe or receive push notifications with out this).

Gradle Setup
Update ONESIGNAL_APP_ID value in app > java > PackageName > on line 8, with your OneSignal app id.

Keys & IDs Setup
1. Login to your OneSignal Account and select your app.
2. Select SETTINGS > Keys & IDs to get your OneSignal APP ID and REST API KEY.
3. Login to your Admin Panel, replace OneSignal APP ID and OneSignal REST API KEY with yours, during add new website.

Notice: For each website, Firebase & OneSignal setup must be individually configured.

Change Package Name#back to top

To change the Package Name, follow bellow video:

Server Connection#back to top

When your admin dashboard already configured properly, you can connect it to your android app.
To change BASE_URL: please open app > java > PackageName > on line 11, change it to your admin dashboard installation URL.

To change WEBSITE_ID: please open app > java > PackageName > on line 7, change it to your Website ID, that you added from admin panel.

API Key Configuration #back to top

1. Open Admin Dashboard →
2. Open: SettingsAPI Key
3. Write a random key (Number and Letter) in the API Key field and click on Save Key.
4. Open Android Studio → Open app > java > PackageName >
5. Put your API key which obtained from admin dashboard
      public static final String API_KEY = "gyHg3xc5Za2FGb6hJ7hb1az";

Customize The Application #back to top

1. Open Android Studio → File → New → Image Asset
2. You can choose 2 types of your icon type, that is Launcher Icon (Adaptive and Legacy) or (Legacy Only)
3. Recommended to use Launcher Icon (Adaptive and Legacy)
4. Browse and choose your image file icon (.png) format with square dimension and start customize your icon
5. Make sure the resource name is "ic_launcher" → Next → Finish

Change Color - #back to top

This feature can be done from the admin panel.

Change Name & Text - #back to top

Change Application Name and Text Inside the Application:
1. Open Android Studio → app → res → values → strings.xml
2. Change value name in each strings tag according your needs.

Splash Image and other Required Image Assets - #back to top

1. Open app → res → drawable and replace with your image or icon, all image are placed on there
2. You also can change every image in app like via Explorer, open Explore and go to your project directory, select app\src\main\res\drawable
3. Replace every image which you need to custom the application and highly recommended you using same resolution for each image

RTL (Right To Left) Mode - #back to top

This feature can be done from the admin panel.

Generated Signed APK - #back to top

To sign your app in release mode in Android Studio, follow these steps:
1. On the menu bar, click Build → Generate Signed APK.
If you already have a keystore, go to step 4.
2. On the Generate Signed APK Wizard window, click Create new to create a new keystore.
3. On the New Key Store window, provide the required information, your key should be valid for at least 25 years, so you can sign app updates with the same key through the lifespan of your app.
4. On the Generate Signed APK Wizard window, select a keystore, a private key, and enter the passwords for both. Then click Next
5. On the next window, select a destination for the signed APK and Signature Versions.
6. Select Signature Version : V1 (Jar Signature)
7. click Finish and the signed apk will generated

AdMob Configuration #back to top

Change your AdMob app_id and unit_id
1. Login to your AdMob account , create an app and generate your ad banner unit id.
2. Write your AdMob_APPLICATION_ID: please open app > res > values > string.xml on line 3, change it to your AdMob_APPLICATION_ID.
3. Write your Application ID, Banner ID and Interstitial ID from AdMob configuration at admin panel during add new website.

Enable and Disable Ads
This feature can be done from the admin panel.

Banner Sizes
If you'd like to change the size of banner ads, open: at line 122 change SMART_BANNER value to your favorites.
ads:adSize - Set this to the ad size you'd like to use. If you don't want to use the standard size defined by the constant, you can set a custom size instead. See the banner size below for details.

Size in dp (WxH) Description Availability AdSize constant
320x50 Banner Phones and Tablets BANNER
320x100 Large Banner Phones and Tablets LARGE_BANNER
300x250 IAB Medium Rectangle Phones and Tablets MEDIUM_RECTANGLE
468x60 IAB Full-Size Banner Tablets FULL_BANNER
728x90 IAB Leaderboard Tablets LEADERBOARD
Screen width x 32|50|90 Smart Banner Phones and Tablets SMART_BANNER

Regular or Extended License #back to top

By following Envato License Type, you must use Extended License if:

  • - Publish your app as a PAID app.
  • - Your App is In-App Purchase (mean your user able to buy some feature).
  • - Sell your app or WebView sites on Auction Markets.

Both Regular & Extended license are allowed to be installed on One Domain. The main difference between these licenses is that under the Regular License, your end product (incorporating the item you've purchased) is distributed free of charge, whereas under the Extended License your end product may be sold or otherwise limited to paying customers.
For more information open:

Support Desk #back to top

Please visit our Support Ticket System.

  • - Contact Us:
  • - Website:

Copyright and license #back to top

Copyright © 2025 All Rights Reserved. You have to use this application for only one installation (one domain).

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Special thanks to AdminBSBMaterialDesign: